2:38 AM
It's almost three in the morning and due to our uninteresting lives, Denise came over for a spontaneous catch up by the pool and now she's gone so... it's back to borrrrre. haha. It's interesting yet confusing to see how we all feel so old now. Met my advert group today. It was aghaghaghagagag hahha. motivation to do work = zilch. Bev and I moped around raffles, itching to shop with no cash in hand. thus shop=fail. We gave up doing work at bout 6, then dinnered and bev and I decided to head down to Clarke for a spotaneous drink at YelloJello. Brandon spontaenously popped by to say hi, and I headed back at ten-ish. Got a spontaneous text from Derns asking if we were still out, and we decided to hangchilll at my place instead. Talked about life, attempted to gossip but realized that other people's lives were just as boring. AHAHA. Dode has decided to come over with food and some dvds tomorrow. BRAANG IT. hehh. klaterrbitchesbyebye.(WARNING. following this pictures are photos of us in the most unglamorous state ever,
all home-dressed and bad hair hAHAHA)
K. My brain has potentially sublimated already. Gonna crash and burn to the maximum. BYE.
2:39 AM
Past few days spent hang chilling with people. Thursday night, Bev and I caved and decided to fugg newswriting and just chill. haha. Spent the night in town, got back at 12 ish, then rushed newswriting, printed and Frolick-ed at the 10 the next morning. Bounced to school after shift ended then... LIBERATION! Friday... what even happened. I think I went home to crash or something? HAHA I can't remember. Saturday was for a short catch up with Derns and Ryl at the flea happening at the flyer, then headed down to boat quay for dinner. Catch up session with Abee by the river, met adam then headed to Gotham. Qudos to Brandon for his kind sponsership that night. haha. Cabbed back at bout 4, didn't sleep, and church-ed at nine. Coffee with abee and Kris at Siglap this evening with kopitiam food haha, good times. Collecting my pay for last month (blarddy pathetic btw) from cheryl tomorrow, for she kindly kept it for me; poor dear's doing full shift at millenia tomorrow! hha. And. Holidays are in. Give me more shifts please, before I get screwed over for NETSing all my cash out again. Thank you.
ho hum.
1:15 AM
meander like a restless wind,
inside a letterbox;
they tumble blindly
as they make their way
across the universe
A secret longing. Maybe.
12:46 AM
Pedi with dode and cj tonight; fun.
Work tomorrow; dreary.
Need, sleep.
1:28 PM
hoy. Weekend was well spent with good company all day everyday. Chillll on friday (with much angst in the mornung regarding art haha) , then work and cycling and bbq and drinks @ Georges at night. Spontaneous calls and plans led Bryan and I to siglap to join Abee, Adam and Pasu at bout 11 that night. Oh good old company. Sunday was the much awaited picnic cum play at Fort Canning; Much Ado about Nothing! Was a little hard to understand, with so many distractions in thr form of ham, chicken and spuds. HAHAHA. oh. Well it was time well spent nevertheless. Its close to midnight now and how I wish for more sleep. I shall have more words for you next time. TILL THEN, COMRADES.
Oh ho.
10:52 PM