I have resurrected from the evil wrath of school and alas; we have survived the first week. HAHA. The never ending lectures, the heavy tutorial days, the hassle of getting a lunch table, the desperate need for coffee, the being late every morning, and the superb company of my bitches... all seem too familiar. Day one was full of initial excitement and apprehensiveness to how the first day would turn out; the new people we would meet, and the expected boredom during a full day of lectures. Denise and I were obviously armed with gummibears and canned coffee (yes i know, CANNED; sad but true) that was by the way DISGUSTING. I think nescafe has diluted their canned latte. ugh ugh ugh. Bumped into Keann like nine million times hahah and OH. Since I was in desperate need for a cca, I have joined photography and auditioned for Radio Heatwave. Which I hope to be accepted in. ahah. Had a very heated discussion with Denise on whether to take a cab home or not as a "surviving the first day" treat; and was egged on by a very evil and instigating freshman, Chris, who was literally the voice of evil. I swear we took a good half an hour just standing there, debating pros and cons, laughing, deciding on something, then changing our minds again. HAHA. Actually it's been like that pretty much the whole damn week. Tuesday afternoon was spent with Bryan. He cabbed down to school so I could hop on; out and away from campus. hahahaha. Collected my glasses, had din tai fung, walked so much I died; then had to head down for yoga. haha. Exhaustion I swear. Wednesday. Had a secret day with my dear secret friend, had secret plans and ate secret popcorn. Secretly NETSed more stuff and Racher, did you know I secretly went back to change my eyeliner to a different colour HAHAHAHA SHHHHH. And I just realized I do not paragraph at all so now I feel its a good time to move on to the next paragraph. ha. ha.
Thursday was ugh REALLY LONG and if not for Bevs and Zayar I would have died. We are seriously the epitome of LUCKAY. We are in the same project group for practically most of our classes. HAHA. We spun our heads right round right round (well for zayar could have been something else but lets not go there shall we hHAHAAH) and played the most amusing round of taboo with Wan, Miril, Sam, Bevs , Zayar and Derns and Bjorn and Dinn during break. I died. I really died. haha. So today called for me to arise at 545am, which obviously FAILED cos I woke up at 615 instead; cursed and swore for missing the school shuttle bus AGAIN then decided that since it was friday and IS, it wouldn't be so bad. HAHA. Art was about bending wires. Sigh. 4 hours. ahaha. And failure cheapo shopping with derns, ryl, gabe and zac followed. FAIILL. haha. So photog meetin yesterday was bleak and useless thus Zac and I resorted to playing bejeweled in attempt to attain a new high score. HAHA. hilarious i tell you.
So. What's new this week. I was forced to join twitter (twitter/Sonyyyaa) and I just got drenched in the storm. STORM. SERIOUSLY. Bad. Yoga later. K BYE.
First lecture of the semester.

Slew of bad photos in cab. AHA.


I didnt realize we were holding hands. HAHAHA.


Moose man.


Marcus and his superhero

Marcus's final submission. HAHA.


Zac thinks he's cool like that

Videos to come.



Just before we go....
Check out my wonky finger. Now you know why no one takes me
seriously when I flip them off. AHAHA.


yeah, but sleeping beauty is going to bed,
she put a little tiny hole in her own head;
got to find her own way home,
before she's,