Friday, May 23, 2008
ahaha. Wednesday was spent me being absolutely hyper and annoyingly noisy during lectures due to the lack of stimulating conversation for the past week. haha. Keann pops in through a crack in the door! Provides COFFEE. I then get severely caffeinated and kill everyone with senseless noise. AHA. Of course, with the help of my fellow sidekicks! (:My shoes however, decided to become bitches and inflict PAIN on me in the form of terrible blisters. By the time I got to City hall to meet Dode for dinner, they were beyond bearable and I decided to take them off in the middle of City Link and walk barefooted till I got to a shoe shop for a replacement! HAHA. Dode stared upon me in amusement with her coffee bun. ha. Billy Bombers followed with lots of reminiscing and creamed spinach! THEN. We realized that Topshop had a damn sale that was damn good but due to our impulsive-eating, we failed to have any monetary supplies to purchase cheap Topshop merchandise. hahaha. D-ARN. Bounced home at eightish, got some work done.
Thursday! Damn Media in Society presentation. HAHA. I. Cannot. Believe. I said " DUDE" during my presentation. It was supposed to be serious business!haha. It went like...
" Alright, so this article basically has some very prominent figures in the media industry like this CEO DUDE of MDA.."
-pauses while class stares upon me in utter disappointment and amusement and LAUGHTER-
aha. Some things just can't be changed huh. Ended an hour early though! Headed for lunch at SIM. Pizza was a huge failure I tell you. Sam and I ended up having to buy MORE food. I decided upon ice cream and waffles! SOO GOOD. I've been craving it more since then. haha. Sam then became a genius and lost her bottle AGAIN! according to her, she left it in the bathroom when we went for break during Webgraph. IT WASN'T THERE! Thus the hunt for the bottle began. We were suspicious of anyone who had the same one as hers! haha. Hilarious. We thus retreated to Ourspace for the Locvid project. Ended discussion in 10 minutes! haha. Hung out with peter then headed for MARKETING. My gosh. Bad. and JY actually popped by school but I failed to meet up cos I was totally rushing for lessons! damn. Tutorials were obviously horrifyingly horrifying , totally KILLED me and according to Keann, I turned GREY during dance! HAHA ( reminiscent of the damn Abee) .
Today was all about getting my logos rejected, having a class lunch and a Sigma lunch, Mango Smoothies , barely completing the second disc of Sweeny Todd and reading the wrong script for Locvid! ahahaha. Nah wasnt too bad. But I'm really exhausted man. THUS. I be bouncing for now. Later man.

Toss me a damn WAFFLE!
That. Was so totally boss. ;
8:12 PM
Friday, May 16, 2008
Well hello. Tis been a week of hibernation and more hibernation. The bug that hit me was a beetch, decided not to evaporate and transformed into tonsillitis instead. Dammit. like WHHUUUUTT. Just the appropriate moment to strike when all the projects and assignments are REALLY starting to attack. I think there are like about... six-ish major projects/assignments, both group and individual stuff, due in a matter of like two or three weeks? D-ARN indeed i say. And my group totally forgot about the webgraph storyboard/analysis/proposal thing that was due yesterday thus we got marks docked off:( Sam, Raq and Cat, I apologize for the lack of my presence to contribute to the project at the moment! Sorry dudes, really.
Moving away from the horrifying horrific horror of school, all the neds dinnered at the beach on Saturday which was awesomely awesome. The Dode and I bus-ed down to East coast, and being the earliest, we attempted to find a seat. FAIL. I think we hung around, looking chill for like almost an hour? haha. then the rest arrived. Got a seat. FOOD. COCONUTS. MORE FOOD. My fear of prawn feelers EMERGE. ahaha. We headed over to the beach to chillax at bout nine-ish and had a round of truth or dare. Was cool. Miss those men so much I tell you. Super melty ice cream followed! ahahaha. Then pasu and i hopped on the DINEESHA automobile to get home. HAHA.
SO. Monday was trying not to get lost in the cha cha, Zayar coming late, Brandon styling his hair for the model audition thing, and the daily dose of gossip with Lenne. haha! Then came CATS. My gosh. Seriously. Our group JUST realized we had a presentation that day and we had like... NOTHING? RUSHED LIKE NO TOMORROW. We completed our presentation in like 5 seconds with Denise and I crawling over to the print store thing to get our slides and cards printed out while JothUM and Gab attempted to invent some activities.. which sadly didnt quite work out when we tried to put everything together ( haha) and.... of course with me getting thrown into laughing fits when JothUM did'nt turn off his Messenger Mac while doing the Powerpoint presentation THUS these little notice boxes kept popping out on the BIG SCREEN throughout the whole presentation. It was something like this.
Gab: " So yes, our concept basically combines these creativity cards and.."
-Green Spleen has just signed in.-
HAHAHAHAHA. My gosh it was funny.
So i left school early to meet Abee and head back to SAC to collect our cert and stuff. Grabbed some Bubble tea and cabbed down. It was.... cool! being back to the place we've been going to for the past ten years. Eleven years ago when Abee was REALLY small with pot like hair, and when I was less of a platypus. HAHA. Or rather, when I was equally small with bangs and was Abee's partner in class. HAHA. We were just reminiscing in the cab, feeling all nostalgic. Stepped in and noticed the changes ( damn it really became more primary- schoolish with all that paint ahahaha) but yet felt strangely at home. Checked ourselves out in the trophy showcase mirror as usual ( AHA) got our stuff, attempted to look some people up but failed cos it was marking day, then headed back to tamp for starbucks, Din, and attempted studying. Grabbed a vanilla latte, plonked, and surprise! We talked instead. HAHA. Then Din came along and joined us with her strange papers that infused bacteria with A maths. haha I didnt even try to comprehend. Camwhored, studied a little, LAUGHED, talked, coffee-ed and i-poded till bout sixish then i bounced.
Now I'm here, officially on a five day flippin MC, missing out on the fun in everywhere but... I'LL BE BACK.haha. Not so nasal, not so hoarse, and as awesome as ever. HAHA. Yes. And perhaps my new found energy next week will do the job and help Keann and I catch the damn dance steps and.... I'll attack everywhere with more laughing fits. HAHA. kay PEER ( or rather, PEEL) BELOW! :)

Do it for the living and do it for the dead
Do it for the monsters under your bed
Do it for the teenagers and do it for your mom
Broken hearts hurt but they make us strong and
WE wont stop until somebody calls the cops and even then
We'll start again and just pretend that
That. Was so totally boss. ;
11:20 AM
Friday, May 09, 2008
MY GOODNESS. Its been one exhausting week. Projects and more projects are left undone. Free tuesdays are not so free anymore! haha. Monday was alright, besides the fact that I ingested drowsy cough meds by accident in the morning thus I was unusually UNhyper in school! aha. SW was a blur and CATS just involved me nodding off to sleep with Denise , Gabriel and JoTHUM constantly pointing and laughing. HAHA. Lunch involved pretty good jap food accompanied with a strange concoction of PEAR and more PEAR! :) haha. THEN. I gathered with Lenne, Gab and Denise to tune in to Pris and Sheryl doing the radioheatwave thing. haha was pretty damn funny. BOUNCED home.
Tuesday was a massive hunk o' junk. Rushed the marcomm project with the group in the morning followed by MARCOMM LESSONS ( my gosh horrifyingly horrify) FOLLOWED by the LocVid project FOLLOWED by dancesport till eight ish at night. I died. AND. I got whacked in the spleen three times. Keann got whacked in the head twice ( reducing what little brain cells he had HAHA) and we injured many other innocent bystanders along the way. We are danger. HAHA. All this happened while we were convincing ourselves that WE GOT IT. ahaha. Funny stuff.
Wednesday and Thursday went by in a blur, I can't even remember what happened besides me being eerky and awfully exhausted. Flipping Freshmen jam and hop tonight. I wanna go but I don't wanna either! hahaha. I'll like get home in the AM if I go. Ah well.
Now I sit in this freezing cold room during Graphic Comm tutorials. My attempt to draw a shoe on illustrator fails. Thus I turn to this for a form of entertainment. haha. PEER below for PHOTOS. Yes, they all happened in the DARK during lectures. My gosh, we were bored.

Well open up your mind and see like me,Open up your plans and damn you're free
Look into your heart and you'll find love, love love.
That. Was so totally boss. ;
10:31 AM
Saturday, May 03, 2008
Behind all of that,
I actually can be quite the silly girl.
I walk, I ran, I jump, I flew,
With no gravity to hold me down for real.
Got me out here in the water so deep,
But somehow I'm still alive inside,
I don't know but I don't even care.
That. Was so totally boss. ;
12:49 PM
Thursday, May 01, 2008
Well guess what. It be a holiday! And I'm flipping sick. :( That's great. School's been good and bad. Saturday was great, took a random bus down to town and caught the Other Boleyn Girl with peter with WAY too much popcorn and YOO TIAO! ahahahaha. FUNNY stuff. Had ONETONNE noodles at fareast, which turned out surprisingly good. Walked around town, people watched, bumped into some friends, talked and checked out this flea market thingiwimmie at youth park but lost interest in about five seconds. HAHA!
I then headed to meet the Dode to join Abee and Din for dinner at laguna. We got ourselves to Bedok interchange and pondered over which bus to take. 401, or not?
After much ponderation, we stood and waited for the other bus, convince it would be faster. There was no one in line at all. So after like 15 minutes of waiting, 401 drives by and stops in front of us on the road, awaiting the traffic light. Dode and I look at each other. She goes," Dude! you wanna like run up and bang on the door of the bus and jump on? HAHA" THEN. I actually RUN up to the road, bang the door and point the we want to get on. haha! Dode dies laughing. Bus uncle don't look too happy. Allows us in after close scrutiny ( probably cos dode looks like a potential nazi) HAHA. So we get on. After like 15ish minutes, Dode exclaims that we have arrived and we should get off. It was this REALLY dark, deserted bus stop in the middle of goshknowswhere. We were officially lost. HAHA. walked and walked till we SAW! a large red lobster sign. FOLLOW THE LOBSTER. Arrive safely. HAHA. Then Din comes. We get FOOD! Then Abee arrives. MORE FOOD! TALK. LAUGH. Sing REALLY out of tune. (ahahahaha the usual) Then I had to part.
Monday was long, had this film screening thing till nineish JUST for 3 cca points. HAHA! Plonked down with Gab, Denise, Rachel and Peter. It was Chicago. Caught it way too many times. haha. Left with Denise , Brandon and Lenne to catch the damn bus which took 5 years to come. AND THEN! Brandon and I dropped off at the WRONG STOP! We plonked sadly all the way to SCGS to take a bus from there. Got home at TWELVE!!! haha like dang. While we were on the bus, denise texted me asking where we were cos she was already in Tampines. I went, " uh...
HAHAHAHA. Story of our lives. Had PW on tuesday with the marcom group at the Esplanade
then Sam and I headed to United square in pursuit of free cone day! ( without erica cos the fool had to be in school for pw:( UNSUCCESSFUL. The queue was so darn long we left. For Pizza Hut. Step in.
" Hi, table for two please."
- waitress stares blankly back-
" Uh... sorry could you come back later? We havent cleared all the tables yet."
So we return 15 ,20 mins later.
" Hi, table for two please."
- pause-
" Sorry, we cant serve today cos our OVEN broke down."
- silence- ( pause for a moment as the platypus and the stonefish stone)
We ditch the Hut and move on to pasta mania instead. hahaha. So after lunch we head back to school for Sam's football and my Dancesport tryouts. Was great fun! Besides the fact that I successfully whacked Keann in the face, screwed up part of the routine and laughed like a damn springroll. HAHA. We like.. needed so much space on the dance floor just so that we wouldnt hurt anyone in the dangerous process of learning the cha cha. ahahahaha.
Yesterday was just full of lectures, and Sam and I swearing that we would concentrate. And we did! for the first half. Then I began nodding off to sleep. Sam whacks me. I wake. Denise forces me to ingest this ultra power sour spongebob candy thing. I WAKE. HAHAHA. oh and Happy Birthday Gabriel! ha. He had to tolerate about 3-4 rounds of ' happy birthday to you'. Was supposed to get the locvid project done after school but our attempt to book the camera was unsuccessful thus we had to leave it. Was supposed to catch a movie with my Sigmas... but i was way to shacked and broke thus opted to chill and talk with Abee and Pasu instead. We had Beancurd in starbucks. HAHAHA. Jammed to random songs, screamed over Old Chang Kee, yelped over a falling ball and got shushed by the other table. HAHAHA. Miss em fools way too much.
Yeah now its the time to PEER below.

You're always trying to keep it real
And I'm in love with how you feel,
I don't see what anyone can see,
In anyone else,
But you.
Endless X's and O's,
That. Was so totally boss. ;
3:54 PM