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Thursday, November 29, 2007


I cut my hair!


Its much shorter now... and poofier. Haha. Too funny. But apparently, I don't look any different. So darn.
I spent two days cooped up at home, lazing, attempting to carry out self-taught yoga at home, watching old re runs, and icecream! Was great. So today, went out with louisa, caught up, had popcorn for lunch, some strange quail thing she made me try, then got a call from THE man who found a job for me... reall crappy one though. REJECT. The pursuit continues... Finally got my Christmas gifts planned out, just need $$ to get it goin. ha. So sushi dinner followed and... more ICE CREAM! Yay. Band at the Esplanade was good today.

The sixties party is this Saturday and I still do not have a plan going. Not in a partying mood yet... Most of my $$ is gone so I have to make do with what I have! D-ARN. Movie marathon with Angie tomorrow fails. double D-arn. haha.

I hear the thunder. Rain will follow! oh.

Words fall out of my mouth,
and I can't to seem to trace what I'm saying,
Everybody wants your time.

That. Was so totally boss. ;
11:42 PM

Sunday, November 25, 2007


The whole of last week was... sorta FUN yet... strange. Chalet and more chalet. Tuesday to Thursday was Confi chalet, which was pretty darn cool. Natasha, Clarice, Linus, Christel, Rainer, Nic and I were the first few who headed to the chalet Tuesday morning. Then. We had problem checking in! None of us were 18. Thus. PROBLEM. We then resorted to scouring the land for someone or something that was 18 to check us in. Initially, it was FAILURE. But. Then. I found someone! Power. We got in, and it started to rain. Hung around for a while then some of us decided to play pool while some of us decided to go INto the pool. It was cool, and a great way to chill ( except for those moments whereby I got attacked by sudden man made movements of the water) . Ha. So at bout five ish, we returned to the house, and.... played UNO! It's been a while since I touched those cards. It was hilarious... I got close to winning like FIVE times, said uno FIVE times and was the third last to win. So darn. but twas funny.
Then came dinner at the food court then we just got chips, went back and went out again. It was raining reall heavily thus Nic Joel Linus christel and myself walked to the beach and... played a round of truth or dare! Was a moment to remember. A while later, most of the others headed to SAFRA tamp to legally play pool, while Nic painstakingly attempted to teach me how to play Bridge ( i hope that's what its called) then after one round of teaching, we were exhausted, thus Christel, Nic and I died on the mattress to catch Grey's anatomy. Was great. And gory. I had to look away. During ads, we did some form of exercise with the rubber ball Linus bought earlier and... I violently whacked Nic in the face by accident. Ha! Sorry man. Thus the whole night was basically spent watching the tellie. I couldn't sleep! When someone announced that it was a good time to crash, Christel, Linus, Nic, Joel and I headed up to the room upstairs in attempt to sleep. Not too successful. At least, for me it wasn't! I violently whacked Joel in the neck for some reason which I can't recall. aha. Sorry.
Apologies as well, to those who had to tolerate my sudden... spontaneous bouts of laughter:)
Basically, I failed to sleep the entire night. Thus Joel, Linus , one of the twins and myself headed to the beach to watch the sunrise. Was pretty:) Sank my foot in mud though. That was eerky. Returned to the Chalet with everyone else already half asleep. And then was my proud moment! I managed to fall asleep... for TWO hours! Haha. Got up at ten. Linus and Nic got awakened too thus we... played UNO. Oh my. Aha. So the whole morning was spent.... pillow attacking, trying to wake Christel up, and preventing Nic from falling back to sleep. Yes. Breakfast was Macs. Then came cycling, the playground and a series of unfortunate events which involved an angry girlfriend, an annoying boyfriend, mud, collisions and plasters. Yes.
The rest of the day was spent swimming,, getting locked out, and preparing for the barbecue! More people came and there was good food. Although... we did leave two whole chickens in the fridge. Ha. Some facils came and we had this whole card game thing going on for a really long time. Then came... the x box that Gordon brought! I chose a reall stupid yellow car which proved to be WEAK. Oh, fool. But Twas funny funny funny. Tim chose this hilariously hilarious small blue car which was... actually kinda power! ha. Then while everyone else was gettin ready to crash at bout 2am, Nic, tim , Linus, joel and myself sat around and played this whole series of word game things which... turned out danging HI-larious I tell you. Hard to forget.
Next morning was checkout... we just hung around, played saboteur for a while then we LEFT. Was exhausted. I then returned at six for the farewell thing by the juniors. I decided that I would never make it through another night without sleeping thus I gave up and WENT HOME. haha. Food was surprisingly good though! So thanks to all the wonderful junior people who arranged that:)
Us, before the search for a LEGAL 18 year old.
THEM. Awaiting the food!
This was how is was. Tis a cute place.
Myself, Nic and Linus, attempting to TOAST toast. ha.
Gordon furiously trying to get the fire going!
Oh, that didn't turn out quite right. ha.
Intense concentration! Chrstel's the only one who looks normal here.
Venetia, Myself, Elaine
Friday was SHOPPING with Angie. Well, that wasn't really successful though. Most of the time, We were SITTING and EATING. haha. First was Sushi, then was yogurt, then was Kenny Rogers then was calamari! So stuffed. We failed to get our hair done as planned though. Ha. SOON we shall!
Saturday. Our confi people were supposed to catch Enchanted. Didn't quite work out! Eventually, it was only Nic Tim and I. And since they BOTH already caught Enchanted, we opted for Fred Claus. Oh Dear. Haha. But surprisingly, it didn't turn out too bad... in fact it was pretty funny! Dinner was at MusselGuys. Had a bit of a confusion over the Blueberry cake. ha. As usual, they finished their food in like five seconds and spent the rest of the time watching me EAT. haha... it was funny. After the movie, we just walked and walked, and stopped! At Starbucks. Got drinks and headed outside to the area around the pond- like portion of the sea. Talked. And oh! Tim and Nic brought my attention to this figurine hanging off a pull up bar thing which SWUNG, I say again- SWUNG when... it SWUNG. I was so tickled for some reason that those bouts of laughter came again. ha. Too funny. Had a chat while I was polishing off my peppermint mocca frappe and we just strolled. Somehow, we entered Harbour front, much to Nic's disbelief and surprise. Ha. We nearly went into Sentosa like three times. Then Tim fulfilled his life long ambition of walking against the flow of the escalator! Too hilarious. It then got late... thus we headed back. Got back to Tamp and waited an hour for mom to pick me up! Thus... I got... ICE CREAM. ha. ha.
Due to the coffee earlier, I once again suffered from... over hyperness!
Tomorrow will be badminton day with Abee. It will also be the day I will realize how UNFIT I am.
That's great.
XOXO... and MORE X's and O's,
Spot the wrong SONA!

That. Was so totally boss. ;
2:46 PM

Saturday, November 17, 2007

So. Graduation night. Turned out SWEET. Well, part of it did. The endless search for dresses, shoes, hair dos and what nots came to an END Friday night. Everyone was SO formal for the darn school hall, it wasn't even funny. Aha. Prom turned out great actually, the bands were pretty decent and we just kept dancing and dancing like no tomorrow. That was the fun part. Ha. It was pretty much great. Everyone had new hair. Cool.

Myself and Abee, when our hair still looked good.

Yes this was how it was.

Mrs Lim! She said she felt like she was marrying forty daughters off. Aha.

Oh. We got bored. haha.

They were all so formal and pretty!

Yay! :) My hair was startin to die at this point though.

us with icky icky hair after the party. In the cab.

AHHH. uh....uh.... we were tired!

So after grad night, Din, Rae , Abi, Pao and I proceeded with our hotel plan at the Pan Pacific. Abi Rae and I headed there at bout Elevenish at night, already tired and close to being gone ( and that was without any alcohol yet) haha. We tumbled into the hotel room where Din Pao, Pao's boyfriend Chris and boyfriends friend Jason or otherwise JIM were already in. Talk. More talk. Got out of dress. Change. Time for shots. We all stood around this small table each with a shot glass, a lemon slice and some salt. So the idea was to ingest the
salt, down the shot and move on to the lemon. As strange as it seemed, it actually tasted pretty good. And, I swallowed a lemon seed, much to Abee's amusement, claiming that a lemon tree shall grow IN me. Ha. Ha. Then came a round of truth or dare.

Let's just... not go there shall we.


ANYWAY. While we were all whoozy and drunk I realized. Darn. My lenses were still in my EYE. Thus I attempted to get them out with much difficulty due to poor muscular coordination ha. Din was already gone by then and Rae was just sittin in the corner, trying to get her lone shot. Abee went crazy and fell off the bed, pulling me along with her! CRASH. I crash into the other bed. PAIN. Now I have bruises everywhere. Darn. So after a while, someone came up with the best idea of the night. We. SLEEP! So everyone just crashed onto the bed. I couldn't sleep. Was getting more sobre by the minute. then. CRASH. I totally chucked my head into the wall. It really hurts man. In the middle of the night, Rae started breathing loudly thus I shut her nose. It worked! She got anger in her sleep and shoved my hand away. Too funny. We ended up waking up reall early and I was so tired. And HUNGER. ha. thankfully, Rae brought a whole food stash and we had pop tarts for breakfast. Great stuff. Everyone was so awfully wiped out, we needed FOOD. Headed for lunch and checked out at three. Abee and I had to loiter around to wait for her mom and after a while, we began to think that we were looking rather suspicious, loitering in the hotel lobby ! Hilarious stuff.

This. Is. Us. All eerky the next morning. ha.

Hotel flops! I was the only one without a pair:(

This. is. what. we. do.

And now I'm home.

Been doing lots of reminiscing too and so..... Here it is.


These I shall remember for eternity, like how...
1)Abee is master?
2) Dode is her first entourage?
3) and I am second?
4) Abee defies gravity?
5) Dode's only social life is her cat?
6) Pao thinks reminisce is a gangster word?
7) Aud and I are corn cop?
8)The mega alliance was formed?
9)Aud and I live in fear of Jo and Chandu?
10) I once told of my Horrifying story of horrify?
11) Dode headbutts any one in her way?
12) Dode is afraid of Deborah JOCK?
13) Audrey proclaimed... HAGRID?
14) Maxine designed the Afro tree?
15)Weelyn, Aud, Abee and I communicate by throwing erasers?
16)I dissociated myself from abee when she attempted to buy Spice Girls?
17) I was elected to LEAD not to READ
18) I attacked Aud with masking tape... but then realized I stuck myself TO her in the process?
19)Tiny TV!
20) Weelyn thought that the Rhino was a Dino?
21) Once I saw a dragon!
22) Dode strives toward subservience?
23) Aud and I made a goin down list?
24)Teacher's day?
25) Abee called me in SEPTEMBER desperate for advise for a grad hair cut without looking like a retard?
26) Debs used to punch me with her net ball-y strength till I grew arm muscles?
27)The Abidrey alliance rose and fell in five seconds?
28)Maxine had her string of " why did mary" jokes that only she laughed at?
29)We danced to Where is the love and The Lion Sleeps tonight?
30) It has become tradition that I shall always get orange candy?
31) I laughed till I ran away from the lunch table?
32) Abee ran after me and we both died and collapsed on the floor?
33)Sim and teo will always yell at Aud and myself whether we're noisy or quiet?
34)Abee and Ialways nearly get killed by some form of truck?
35)I learned to whistle TRANSFORMERS?
36)Aud got excited over He-man?
37)Jesse always falls backward when she falls asleep?
38)Isabelle wondered why Ms. Juliana said she had no social life- that it was impossible because she teaches SOCIAL studies?
39) I spelt my name as SONA and summary as SUMMY?
40)Audrey claimed that her whole life became a joke since she sat next to me?
41)Dode was racist against everyone- even those of her own colour?
42)Pao became a self proclaimed terrorist, Al- Paoda?
43)I constantly emerge form Audrey's head?
44)I downgraded my calculator?
45)I brought beans to school?
46)Aud and I successfully took pics of Sim in class?
47)I told Mrs Lim that Weelyn needed to go to the toilet?
48)We forgot our lyrics to our cheer in camp and still won second place?
49) We shoved Rae's pineapple in Dode's crotch?
50)Rae died and became nauseous when she found out?
51)I high fived the Heng?
52)Dode documented this on her blog?
53)I high fived her again on purpose?
54)The Heng used to send Abee and I out to the plants EVERY chinese lesson?
55)Abee got anger and yelled at her?
56)The heng would speak about us in front of us?
57)I got my chance to hang up on Abee on purpose?
58)She then called me back, said *&%# you and hung up?
59)Pao claimed that I have sprawly fingers?
60)Pasu became my wife, proclaiming this with a Blu Tack ring?
61)She then divorced me without consent and eloped with Alicia?
62)Mel suddenly burst out in laughter, claiming that aliens were coming?
63)Aud and I have a hip hopish handshake?
64)Rae and I have a reverse pat on the shoulder regime?
65)Dode always chewed gum in class, always got caught, and always bluntly denied it?
66)Pao ate so much chilli to escape lessons, then REALLY got sick?
67)Audrey always fails to tie a french braid?
68)Max and Mel delivered fake food to Aud and I in class?
69)I got aught by Mrs Yip, who thought I was attempting to eat?
70)Jo, Chand, Aud, Ivana, Weelyn, Anne , Cheong and myself sang really bad songs with all the wrong lyrics during Physics lessons?
71)I always forget to set up the visualiser for Ms Kang?
72)I'm fated to bump into Teo? ( like... Hong Kong!)
73)YO PATRICK and Frisbee?
74)Clarissa and I went to Melody's party and made a horrible concoction?
75)I threw a Weather's Original at Aud's head and it cracked?
76)Abee ALWAYS got the lemon tart?
77)I tried the chocolate frappe and got labelled as a smallish sec one boy?
78)Abee would discard the peas and mushroom form her ugly chicken pie and I would ingest them"
79)Aud, Chand and Jo would never fail to start timing when any announcement came on?
80)Pasu and I illegally took the lift up to class and devised this plan that I would faint and die if a teacher caught us?
81)We did get caught when the lift door opened and we just... stood there, all stoned?
82)Dode fades colour easily?
83)Aud was secretly trying to take photos during China lesson and the flash went off?
84)I managed to fix a small transformer model thing?
85)Abee cheong and myself had a nightwalk since climbing a tree failed?
86)Abee and I took bebe from pasu's mouth?
87)We beat pao up?
88)Abee yelled at me then apologised profously two seconds later?
89)I got locked out of class?
90)Dode dyed her cat blue?
91)we played the calculator game... big scale!
92)Two pumpkin pasties please!
93)Will you spouse me?
95)How do you say MOM backwards?
96)" Pick a word that conveys this feeling." ...." Uh... BOYS."
97)" I thought Providence means Police!"
98) " You will find your bag in a place where there's dew in the garden!"
99)" What feelings are conveyed here?"..." Uh... STRONG."
100)" Imagery of Edward!"
Yes, I shall rememvber these things.
Meanwhile, Abee and I are trying hard to get the ABNIA party to work out. Yeah man.
Are'nt our invites super awesome?
After five fours... we were done.
The tiresome process!
It has been a rather long post.
Let it go, write it down.

That. Was so totally boss. ;
7:07 PM

Ngee Ann Polytechnic.
Rambunctiously eccentric.

aural escape;


Be heard.

of you have swung by!

Go forth and navigate!
Ann Khay
Ann Nee
Catherine Wong
Hui Jie
Jasmine Foo
Jasmine Quek
Jie Ying
Justin Heng
Ken Ng
Michelle Belle
Shun Li
Sonia Pasupathy
Yen Leng
Zhou Zhen

Sec 3 confi '06
Sigma Phi
Delta Chi
Kappa Tau
Zeta Pi

What just happened?
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November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
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April 2007
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July 2007
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