Yes you have to tilt your head to see this. I forgot to rotate it. aha.
Endless X's and O's, SONIA.
2:42 PM
So I was supposed to go for the confi that's going on at OLPS with BI today but... er... I APOLOGISE FOR NOT BEING ABLE TO GO! Nevertheless, wishing AUDREYliaw, CHEONG, JESSE and VALyeo a happy and blessed conformation:) If you're lucky, you'll get a gift tomorrow. But it really depends if I feel like or not so Audrey, you chance of getting one has just decreased by...95%? AHA:)
Oh yes and everyone, do not panic, there are no strange indian men on my tagboard.
Its just a very small girl with a very large head:)
Love thy neighbour. Or not.
3:03 PM
Mel and I carrying the massive thing into the school compound
Nicole is behind the PRETTYYYY flowers!
This was on the cake. Specially made:)
Myself and Cynthia, the new president!
All the wonderful farewell gifts that I so sincerely appreciate and adore:)
8:32 PM
PRETTTTYY. Will be prettier without the wrappings on the roses though. They were specially imported from some faraway country and will be massive flowers in a few days. And while arranging them in my room, I realize that my living area is actually pretty damn pretty! oh. If you are one who appreciates messiness though.
My veryveryvery junked up desk.
2:43 PM
oh hello.
Went to get a HUGEHUGEHUGE thing with Mel and tiffany today after tuition that will be ingested by a 140 hysterical GIRLS on monday. Very scary thought but then again...
I'm usually going hysterical too so have fun picturing that.
I'm dead beat after another somewhat gruelling week and tomorrow is the 2.4run which just you know, makes my life a whole lot better. aha. Ahh, whatchyougonnadoboutthatanyway.
Scandal. The one thing that fuels tears and talk.
9:29 PM
I also want to thank those who so graciously prepared farewell gifts for ME and the other seniors, thanks loads loads loads ilovethemallverymuch!
So today has been another fairly odd day. Did'nt bring cash or my cell and mom last minute-edly told me that I had to go back myself and I did'nt have my ezlink! Thank the heavens that I was walking with dode who very nicely offered a ride... but to her place which did'nt help much but i took the offer anyway for being at her place beat the idea of decomposing in front of the school gate till I get found the next day. Or never.
Moving on.
Had an odd lunch of leftover barbeque goods with her cat occasionally leapin on TOP of the dining table in attempt to obtain a chicken wing or two. DID NOT WORK OUT. ha! Got home at about five-ish and spent an hour panicking over what the standard test would be tomorrow when I found out that... there would be no standard test. Oh, the foolishness.
NO, I am not foolish.
Joy is not in things, it's in us.
9:35 PM
Our beloved cello girls during practice
Trish and I after practice
Our devoted senior girls training their juniors Sylvie training hard for her solo piece at 8pm on a school day
A model of our props room given to cass, done by one of her juniors
See the confidence and pride in our girls? A close up of Xiaoqi and I while nearly tumbling off the bus!
Sushi lunch after SYF with Cello and Double Bass girls
Did'nt feel like attending school today so guess what? I did not. Need to take a break to recuperate and pack up all that mess that happened this week. Advise to all my darling girls: Please give yourselves time to rest and recover and return stronger than ever:)
10:00 AM
It really does not matter what award we get, because after all, we did so well that if the judges thought we were bad, THEY THOUGHT WRONG. It doesn't matter how many times they have dashed our hopes cos we are and will always be the best and the most prominent performers. Never in my life I have been so confident and never in my life have I seen our SAC girls being so marvellous, both in mind, body and spirit. The determination was so strong it was overwhelming. I do not care what the judges think anymore cos what;s done is done and so far these are the strongest batch of girls I've seen. Life in performing arts does not just revolve around getting a gold. It does not matter. So what if you're not satisfied with your performance? There's always a next time. Girls, dry your tears and move on. You have done well:)
I want to thank each and every on of you for your sheer determination and confidence that every individual possessed today; it is indeed commendable. I thank all the senior girls for guiding your juniors well, all the leaders who assisted us in this pursuit for an excellent performance; especially Flora, Valerie, Cassendra, and many other devoted seniors who became our pillars of strength when we were on the verge of collapsing, Xiaoqi, Nicole, Simone, Noelene and Hui Ping for assisting us so greatly : i am extremely grateful, those who constantly stayed back with us just to sweep the floor and stack the chairs, and finally, Melody, for being an excellent leader, constantly supporting us even though we disappoint her, and our wonderful conductor, Mrboo for not giving up on us though we might have been horribly annoying at times. Seniors who came to attend the competition today, especially Joyce who was there for us no matter what the situation was. I also want to thank friends outside school like Michelle, Ken, Patrick and many more who edged us on, supported us and comforted us when we were disappointed, I am truly grateful.
As from today onwards, Melody and I officially step down from being your presidents for one whole year, and I hope all of you girls have learnt tremendously form us ( in a good way!) and hopefully there are those who actually remember what we say after every practice session for you will find that it will help you especially after the seniors graduate. Our hope is that you will all respect your new leaders and help them along every step of the way. Remain true to yourself and always always remember that we love you very much! Keep your seniors in mind even after they have graduated and bring with you all that they taught you, and the skills that they imparted to you for those are the building blocks for future success:)
Learning point: Do NOT be afraid to fail, for success only comes through failure.
All my love,
9:23 PM
Give me the chocolates, walk away slowly and no one will get hurt.
6:13 PM